Berta and husband Florian Gürtl came to the Ennstal in 1947 for career reasons. Mr. Gürtl was an employee of the provincial division of agriculture & forestry in Graz. Both of them having been born and growing up in Feldbach, they got to know each other during a tour of Schloss Kornberg and married in 1947 in Feldbach.
In the autumn of 1947, Mr. Gürtl was transferred to Haus/E., where he held a management position in animal husbandry. He would teach milking courses in winter, and would take care of office work in summer. His first lodgings were with the Leonhard Buchsteiner family at Haus No.11. In spring, Mrs. Gürtl followed her husband with their little son Walter.
The people of Haus welcomed her very pleasantly, and everyone lent her a hand when needed. But the homesickness she felt and the confines of the mountains often dampened her spirits.
The problems adjusting eventually disappeared, there was plenty of work to be done. Daughter Monika and Willi were born. Their one room-kitchen apartment became too small, but no prospects of another apartment, no prospects of a council apartment. And so they decided, spurred on by their neighbors, to build their own home. It was now 1954 and they had purchased the land.